Kamis, 27 Januari 2011 | By: Victory


posting translation lirik lagu Jepang (Stand By U - Tohoshinki)
keren banget lagunya, yang nyanyi juga suaranya bagus gelooo :D
kayaknya liriknya ngegambarin banget gitu, sama keadaan gw.
nih link PV-nya:


Ever since the day you left without saying goodbye,

It feels like the scenery and scent of this city have changed
I wanted to be your everything and the promise I made remains unfulfilled,
Becoming but a memory

And when you cried all alone,
If I'd flown to your side, would you still be beside me?
If only I could, I want to tell you once more that I love you
My feelings for you and these words that have overflowed... now they won't reach you

* Where are you? Who's with you there?
How are you dressed? I wonder, what are you laughing at?
I'm here, even now I'm here
Believing that you and I will see each other again

My feelings haven't changed... I'm thinking only of you...

Seeing someone from behind with their hair tied back, I think it's you
But she turns around and it's a stranger; I've been disappointed this way so many times
And whenever a call comes in, I hope to see your name
I spend every day like this, it's pathetic

"I can't forget you"... that's a lie, the truth is I don't want to forget
I don't need to pretend to be strong anymore
Without you here, I'll never feel happiness again...
No matter how hard I try, the tears that overflow won't stop any time soon

* Repeat

So now, here I am, alone and calling your name again
I can't bear any more pain than this
But I have no other choice

Just you being here, everything seemed to shine
And though those days won't return,
Whatever happens, whatever I lose,
I never want to forget that I loved you

Wherever you are, whoever you're with,
Whatever you're dreaming about, whatever you're laughing about,
The whole time, I'll be here, even now I'm here
Believing that one day I'll see you again

My feelings haven't changed... I'm thinking only of you...
My feelings haven't changed... I'm thinking only of you...
Senin, 24 Januari 2011 | By: Victory

Seme Pertama dan Terakhir

udah lama gak posting sesuatu di blog
pengen curhat deh, soal mantan gandenganku
kalo yang kenal sama gw pasti tau deh itu siapa
agak privat sih buat dimuat di blog
tapi yaaa, daripada gak dikeluarin sama sekali.

ya kan?? :)

dulu tuh ye, waktu smp gw kayak hypnotized sama dia
at first, temen gw yang ngefans sama dia, eh, pas gw liat2 lagi kayaknya dia cute banget
cocok lah sama tipe gw (agak tomboy)
waktu kenalan, gw pake alasan seorang uke cari seme, syukur deh sepupunya sama temennya ngasih jalan ke gw buat kenalan.
hihihi, kalo diinget2 lagi jadi malu lah. soalnya waktu pertama kita kenalan, kita berdua pada diem.
gw diem soalnya, gengsi gituloh (?), dianya juga diem, kayaknya sih gengsi juga (yaiyalah, masak cewek yang duluan negur cowok sih)
yaaa gitulah perjalanannya
sebelumnya sih gak ada perasaan sayang, cuma setelah ampir setengah tahun mesra2an kayak orang pacaran (TTM) eh, langsung tau kalo emang punya rasa itu.
blm langsung nyadar sih, cuma perlahan-lahan.
heartbeating so fast, a bit nervous, and suar dingin ma men!!

segala cara deh dilakuin buat nunjukkin kalo gw sayang sama dia.
mulai dari nemenin sms-an, jalan, telponan, sampe tingkat dimana gw ngirimin dia pulsa dengan alasan gw pengen ngobrol sama dia.
pengen banget masa2 PDKT itu balik lagi.

waktu itu akhir semester kelas 1 SMA, gw udah gak tahan lagi.
lama banget nih perasaan disimpen.
akhirnya ggw mutusin buat confess ke dia. awalnya sih berhasil (kayaknya), tapi yaaaaa gitu deh.
gebetan gw nganggep gw sebagai ADIKNYA sendiri
batin gw berkata "yasudlah, toh dia udaha nganggep gw lebih dari temennya kok. daripada gak nganggep sama sekali"

setelah itu hubungan gw sama dia agak regang
gak tau kenapa. walaupun ada bulan2 dimana kita berdua masih telponan, tapi setelah itu gw jadi kayak orang linglung!!
gak tau kenapa, padahal gw udah ikhlas kok kalo dia gak jadi milik gw sepenuhnya, toh, cinta gak harus memiliki!!