Selasa, 30 November 2010 | By: Victory

Pelatihan Pengaktifan Otak Tengah: Penipuan-kah?

Aktivasi otak tengah merupakan bentuk pelatihan yang konon mengaktifkan 'fungsi otak tengah' sehingga otak kanan dan kiri bisa seimbang. Sebagai bonus dan indikator telah aktifnya otak tengah mereka mengklaim bisa melakukan Blindreading (Membaca dengan mata tertutup). Meskipun disebut sebagai bonus, anehnya ini menjadi gembar gembor utama dan semua foto, dokumentasi, dan video mereka hanya menyajikan orang orang yang tampak sedang melakukan berbagai aktivitas dengan mata tertutup.

TERNYATA Pelatihan ini sangat 'mirip' dengan Metode Pelatihan Bronnikov (Bronnikov method)yang sudah berkembang di Rusia sekitar 5 tahun lalu gan. Kenyataannya Bronnikov terbukti merupakan PENIPUAN berkedok SCIENCE (Pseudo science).

James Randy adalah mantan pesulap ternama yang akhirnya mendedikasikan dirinya untuk ilmu pengetahuan. Dia membongkar beberapa praktek penipuan spiritual, psikokinetik, dll. Ulasannya tentang Bronnikov method dapat dilihat disini:


Photography Tips: Capture in Rain

here are a few tips to take pictures while raining:

Carry a raincoat for your camera.
There are about a million rain covers for camera gear on the market. The real problem is having it with you when it starts to rain. Anything that will protect your camera completely against every storm, up to and including a hurricane, may well be too bulky to carry every day. My advice: Carry camera rain gear in your bag that won’t take up too much space and will get you by in a pinch. My current favorite is the Storm Jacket from Vortex Media ( It has an adjustable elastic band up front to cinch around the front of the lens and another at the back to give your hand room to reach inside to run the camera. Simple but effective in many wet situations.

Carry a gallon-size plastic bag.
In a pinch, it will do a passable job of keeping a camera dry. Punch a hole in one end to poke the lens through and stick your hand in the other end.

Look for porches and awnings.
Park under a dry spot and wait for the pictures to come to you. Have a glass of wine, read a book, discuss Proust ad infinitum. Just be patient.

Shoot from inside a car.
This is often the best course of action, and sometimes it's the only practical answer. You can often roll down the window and stay pretty dry, especially if the wind is at your back (coming from the other side of the car). This was the case when I photographed a freight train of a thunderstorm out in the Flint Hills of Kansas for National Geographic magazine. I outraced the storm to a great vantage point and turned the car sideways so I could look down a winding pasture road. The rain beat mercilessly behind me as the funnel clouds dipped and soared, but I kept dry and kept shooting. (Don’t try this at home.)

Buy an umbrella.
I always carry a small folding umbrella in my camera bag. It’s five inches long (13 centimeters) folded—just big enough to keep my camera out of the worst wetness. If you are in a city when it starts to rain, look around for an umbrella vendor. I found one in Venice and bought two, each a different color. (Why? There’s a tip about this coming up.) It would be nice if you had a trusty assistant (or patient spouse) to carry the umbrella, but I find I can do a lot of work just holding the shaft of the umbrella in my left hand, which also grips the camera. A little awkward, yes, but it has the advantage of keeping the umbrella right over the camera. (Do I need to add here that this advice does not apply in thunderstorms? Umbrellas are remarkably akin to lightning rods in physical construction and work pretty much the same. Remember: If you can hear thunder you are within striking distance of lightning.)

Include the umbrella in your picture.
Actually, your own umbrella can be a very nice compositional framing device. Bring it down into the top of the picture when you are shooting with a wide angle and it nicely fills the upper part of the frame, providing a nice visual cue that it is, in fact, raining. If the streets are full of people under umbrellas, yours fits in with the crowd. But it can do one more important thing. While we think of rain clouds being dark and foreboding, they are, in fact, often the light source for a rainy scene. Hence, the clouds are bright and the scene below is dark. Use the umbrella to cover up the too-bright clouds and your scene can suddenly look much better exposed. (Those two umbrellas I bought in Venice? It was because I wasn’t sure which color would look best in my pictures.)

Watch for reflections.
Unless you are in a downpour, it is difficult to actually see the rain itself. So you have to leave visual clues that it is raining. Look for ways that the rain transforms banal scenes into rich, reflected murals. This is what made the streets of Venice so glittering at night during our workshop. It also is the reason I chased that pigeon all over that piazza, silhouetting it against the reflected storefronts.

Backlight the rain.
Rain becomes more visible when it is backlit. The light coming through the raindrops is concentrated and slightly brighter than the rest of the scene. So find some light sources and shoot toward it. This could be a streetlight at night, or it could be the sun breaking though the clouds. Whatever the case, the rules are the same. One, the more directly you shoot into the light, the better you can see the raindrops. Two, shoot too directly and the light source will overpower your exposure. So always seek that magic angle in between. By the way, that umbrella you’ve been carrying can serve as a serviceable lens shade.

Pop just a little flash.
Huh? No, really, I mean it. Your flash will light up the raindrops, usually a bad thing because it will pump out way too much light as it tries to light up your subject. You don’t want that. But turn it way down (like -3.0 stops) and it will add just a little pop to the raindrops. This technique is tricky; you’ll have to experiment. Maybe it won’t work at all, but if it does, it can be quite magical. (Also works on snowflakes sometimes.)
Be on the lookout for joy or misery. Rain transforms people. We react to rain with a gamut of emotions, from the sullen dread of rain-drenched commuters to the wondrous joy of children. Capture those emotions and you’ll have a great rain picture.

males translate.

cr.:national geography
Jumat, 19 November 2010 | By: Victory

Curhat part 1

stupid posting of this month:

10 things i want to do the most before i die:

1. tell my mom and dad: "i'm sorry that i haven't make you happy"

2. tell all of my friends that i love them so much

3. confess to my ex-future lover that i still love her

4. sedekah

5. apologizing for my mistakes in the past

6. make this note

7. listening to my favorite music

8. hang out with my bestfriends

9. shalat

10. sleep

how about you?

what is the top 10 things to do when you know that you will die?
Selasa, 16 November 2010 | By: Victory

My Photographs part 1 (scenery)

Actually, Rani took this picture but i did the effect.
intinya saya juga terlibat dalam pembuatan (?) foto ini (toh, kamera punya saya)

Ini baru foto yang saya ambil sendiri (dan efek ala saya sendiri)
mw bukti?
tuh liat watemarknya ada nama Fikryadi Amrullah

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Workshop Bengkel Media (baca: The Coolest Workshop I Ever Attend)

Above pictures, took when Photograph session.
Uploading :D

Rani and Yeyen :D

Last point is so funny. they can repair Soul?

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Selasa, 09 November 2010 | By: Victory

Mind Map: The Easiest Way To Explore Your Deepest Mind

Pemetaan Pikiran (bahasa Inggris Mind Mapping) adalah yaitu suatu metode untuk memaksimalkan potensi pikiran manusia dengan menggunakan otak kanan dan otak kirinya secara simultan. Metode ini diperkenalkan oleh Tony Buzan pada tahun 1974, seorang ahli pengembangan potensi manusia dari Inggris.

Upaya Tony Buzan sebenarnya muncul dari pengamatannya dalam bidang perkembangan teknologi komputer pada tahun 1971. Tony Buzan berpikir, “kenapa komputer perlu manual pemakaian ribuan lembar untuk dapat beroperasi?” tetapi “Kenapa manusia sebagai makhluk berpikir bisa jauh lebih hebat. Tanpa manual manusia bisa melakukan rekayasa dan tindakan yang dahsyat, misalnya mengubah dunia?”. Perbedaan kemampuan antara komputer dan manusia itu Tony Buzan kemudian mengeksplorasi daya pikir manusia dengan merekayasa model pengembangan potensi manusia yang disebutnya Pemetaan Pikiran.

Pemetaan Pikiran saat ini sudah dikenal luas di berbagai bidang pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Penerapannya mencakupmanajemen organisasipenulisanpembelajaranpengembangan diri, dll. Namun, yang paling potensial adalah dalam bidang pengembangan diri.

Prinsip Dasar

Pemetaan pikiran menggunakan teknik curah gagasan dengan menggunakan kata kunci bebas, simbolgambar, dan melukiskannya secara kesatuan di sekitar Tema Utama seperti pohon dengan akar , ranting, dan daun-daunnya. Tahap pertama setelah tema ditentukan dan kata kunci hasil curah gagasan dituliskan, dilukis, dan ditandai dengan warna atau simbol tertentu adalah menyusun ulang kata kunci tersebut. Kemudian proses curah gagasan diteruskan kembali secara bebas. Kata kunci yang digunakan disarankan hanya satu kata tunggal.
Tony Buzan mengusulkan menggunakan struktur dasar Pemetaan Pikiran sebagai berikut :
  • Mulai dari tengah dengan gambar Tema, gunakan minimal 3 warna.
  • Gunakan gambar, simbol, kode, dan dimensi diseluruh Peta Pikiran yang dibuat.
  • Pilih kata kunci dan tulis dengan huruf besar atau kecil .
  • Tiap kata/gambar harus sendiri dan mempunyai garis sendiri.
  • Garis-garis itu saling dikaitkan, mulai dari tengah yaitu gambar Tema Utama. Garis bagian tengah tebal, organis, dan mengalir dari pusat keluar, menjulur seperti akar, atau pancaran cahaya.
  • Buat garis sama panjangnya dengan gambar/kata.
  • Gunakan warna – kode rahasia sendiri di peta pikiran yang dibuat.
  • Kembangkan gaya penuturan, penekanan tertentu, dan penampilan khas di Peta Pikiran yang dibuat. Jadi peta pikiran setiap orang tidak harus sama, meskipun tema yang dibahas sama.
  • Gunakan kaidah asosiasi di peta pikiran yang dibuat.
  • Biarkan peta pikiran itu jelas, menggunakan hirarki yang runtun, urutan yang jelas dengan jangkauan sampai ke cabang-cabang paling ujung.
Dengan cara yang lebih bebas, warna-warni, dan gambar, pemetaan pikiran menjadi berbeda dengan metode curah gagasan yang sudah dikenal luas. Hasilnya bisa mencengangkan karena dapat menemukan solusi inovatif untuk suatu Tema Utama yang menjadi fokus perhatian. Selain itu, pemetaan pikiran juga dapat mengidentifikasi masalah di bagian sub-tema yang disusun oleh kata kunci hasil curah gagasan.
itu contoh yang paling sederhana (koleksi author XD)
kalo yang paling rumit yaaa, kayak gini:

cr. by:wikipedia, google image, koleksi author